Improve the security of your company data with cloud storage

Successful digital transformation in your company

Compute Engine / IaaS

Cloud storage is a secure and cost-efficient investment in the future

A company’s capital includes its data and information. A secure and reliable storage solution is thus all the more important. Installed on-premises, hardware can be damaged or even destroyed. In comparison, data stored in the cloud is more secure, as it can be kept redundantly. The storage space itself is fairly inexpensive, but your company should make sure that it only pays for the resources it actually uses. A wide range of cloud storage solutions are offered for various purposes. And let’s not forget that cloud storage enables optimized disaster recovery strategies and therefore helps to ensure compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR "General Data Protection Regulation").

City skyline

Object storage according to the S3 standard: highly scalable and cost-efficient

Inexpensive and versatile: using cloud storage as object storage according to the S3 standard is an ideal solution for backing up static company data. Click on this link to learn more about the varied purposes of IONOS Object Storage in Cloud Computing. The modern storage solution offers outstanding ease of use and virtually unlimited scalability at particularly low cost. Learn more about IONOS Object Storage

Icon: Cube; S3 Object Storage

Block storage: high availability, dual redundancy, and cost efficiency

Block storage is ideal for dynamic applications that require high performance, e.g. databases and frequently recurring, fast transactions. You can use block storage on HDD and SSD drives. Benefit from fast access times. The Compute Engine uses block storage. Learn more about Compute Engine

Security comes first: cloud storage with dual redundancy

Protecting company data from loss is extremely important. Thanks to the dual redundancy of its cloud storage solutions, IONOS can provide this protection: instead of storing your files in only one location, we also mirror the full backup in a second availability zone. This keeps your data safe, even if a data center is damaged by flooding, fire, or natural disasters. What’s more, the strict data protection laws in Germany naturally also apply to our German data centers — and therefore to your cloud storage as well.

Summary:cloud storage is the first, secure step into the digital future

Your IT management can be transformed completely by renting a cloud storage solution: instead of investing vast amounts in hardware, you can gradually migrate storage, computing, and networks to the cloud — saving time and allowing you to benefit from added liquidity and attractive cost savings. Security is your capital and our guarantee: benefit from IONOS’s long-standing experience in data security and privacy.